Consultations are one-one-one, run in 30- or 60-minute blocks and work best when you arrive prepared with specific tasks and questions in mind. Please turn to the Online Scheduling System for specific hours and consultant availability.
We’re available to meet with all current Kenan-Flagler degree students or students taking courses in the business school. Because we have limited resources, we don’t typically serve non-business students. However, if you’re not a business student but feel you have an extenuating circumstance, please contact Center Director, Courtney Wright.
We try to serve as many different people as possible; therefore, we typically limit appointments to 60-120 minutes total per week. The limit changes depending on the time of year/demand; we’ll always post the current appointment limit at the top of the schedule.
Session Summaries:
If you come to the BCC for help with a class assignment, we like to send a session summary regarding the nature of our assistance to the faculty member of the course. The summary does not evaluate you or your assignment in any way. Most instructors are pleased to learn that you are working on your communication skills for their classes. You are welcome to contact the Director of the Business Communication Center at any time that you would like to review the contents of a session summary.
Feedback, Not Proofreading:
We want you to learn how to improve your own communication skills. Therefore, our consultants will not proofread or write for you. Consultants offer feedback and suggestions to help you improve your skills and to help you address recurring errors.
Keeping/Cancelling Appointments:
We ask that you cancel appointments in advance that you cannot keep. Please try to cancel at least 24 hours in advance through our Online Scheduling System (after logging in, click on your name at the top of the page, then choose “My Appointments”). The system will not let you cancel less than 12 hours before your appointment start time. After you miss two appointments with us, you will be prohibited from using the BCC for 3 weeks, and any existing appointments that you have will be cancelled.